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Initiations (1)

Quoting from the Karmapolis [K1] Interview:

"The 'terrestrial' reptilians like the Anunnaki [Anunna who took refuge in our solar system, an important event in Le Secret that will eventually be described in these Notes], or their direct descendants need to absorb the 'base' energy that humans can emit when they have fear, for the simple reason that the terrestrial frequency (KI = 3rd dimension, see Dimensions) is higher on Earth than on the different worlds that they occupy in the galaxy. Don't forget that the Anunna arrived on the Earth by chance. They had great difficulty in adapting to it. Since their arrival on Earth, the Anunna and their consanguine acolytes have never ceased to carry out all sorts of manipulations to lower the frequency of the KI. The dominant caste of the Gina'abul males know nothing of the love that certain humans have integrated. The human being, even as diminished today, thus always represents a danger for this community.

"In Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres, I have explained in length and in depth the role of the woman, more precisely the role of the Gina'abul priestesses in the bosom of the reptilian community and the rapport that they maintain with the Life Designers of which they are a part. I detailed the feminine power that one calls on Earth 'Goddess energy.'

"Various groups of Gina'abul males, like the Mušgir and certain Ušumgal, effectively imprisoned the females to draw from them their power by force and by torture. This created a radical splitting of the Gina'abul that healed itself only when the Gina'abul females integrated with the Kadištu (Life Designers).

"Nevertheless, when some of these priestesses fell in with with the Anunna on the Earth, they did not systematically practice with them. Thus we find the episode in the garden of Genesis where Enki (the Serpent), who was at the service of the patriarchal Gina'abul order, met clandestinely the A-DAM, the 'colonized herd' (see Decoder), with the help of these strange females named Lilith. Lilith is in fact allied to the Source (the true God) and it is for this reason that she was 'demonized' by the religious organizations that incarnate the various patriarchal religions of the planet. We note that the gnostic ideology agrees with this, since according to them, the principles of good and evil are inverted on the Earth.

"The episode of the (hidden) initiation of man is not proper to the biblical Genesis but is found on numerous representations the world over, such as shown below on the Codex Borgia, Plate 57."

Several initiations are described in Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres. In the most difficult and harrowing one -- related to the image above, as well as the title of the book -- Sa'am is given a poison that will surely kill him unless he finds the source of its antidote, which requires him to realize that there is an Emeša language that will decode the information that he needs.

"Look for the tree. Only the light of its trunk can save you. Eat the fruit of the tree. Otherwise the fire will devour you. Quench the fire with the fire."

The elements of the initiation are also illustrated in this Aztec painting. Examine the tree carefully and then think of the experience of Adam and Eve in the "Garden of Eden". What was done there? What was said? Who was the teacher or advocate? Who became irate?

Codex Borgia57 p171.jpg

A "Dark Star" priestess initiates a man into the knowledge of the sacred tree. The notion of "Dark Star" is expressed twice in this figure: first above where one clearly sees a star and its shaded side; second in each hand of the priestess where there appears a star and a jaguar (symbol of night). Note the lunar symbols on the priestess that evoke the sanctified menstrual fluid in the tantric rites of India. Between the two personnages are found two serpents who schematicize Idâ and Pingalâ, the two subtle currents of Kundalinî that permit the energy to rise along the vertebral column. As shown in the drawing, the ascension of these subtle currents offers the possibility to attain the world of the stars and the descending movement carries a "little death" figured by the skull placed in the pot or cup that symbolizes the first chakra named Muladhara in Sanscrit ("the place of the root").

Using his linguistic analytical method and the associations in various ancient languages, Parks demonstrates deep connections between the terms and concepts: dark, night, dark being ; mountain, mountain or hill as a place in the heavens or star or planet, burning ;dark stars, dark and burning ones ; ancient dark ones ; trees, dark entitities who inhabit stars and possess a certain energy... creative energy that brings life ; Teol (Maya/Nahuatl name of Divine Creatress) = tree spirit, Christian Holy Spirit, Mother-Goddess, light that shines, light of the star, burning flower ; clear, pure, shining

As a result of successfully undergoing this initiation, Sa'am is able to merge his noble Ušumgal heritage with the knowledge and powers of the Kadištu, and this gives him capabilities far beyond those of his creator, as well as the ability to operate an ancient technology that may be the means by which he was able to share his experiences with Anton Parks in our time.

Examine the images on the page: Tree Goddesses.

Much can be learned from Parks' discussions of these initiations. One of them carries the name Peš. From the Decoder listing for Peš, note the association with the fruit fig among the several sexual connotations of the various homonyms. This was the forbidden fruit of the tree -- the Dark Stars -- in high antiquity!

The Egyptian name for this fruit -- Dabu -- when decomposed as Sumerian phonemes, gives the concept of "powerful energy."

In ancient Egypt, the ficus sycomorus (Sycamore Fig) produced a reddish fruit that grew like wine grapes and was called "the flesh and the sap of the Goddess."

From Le Secret Note 49:

We know that the fig tree was in Egypt the symbol of fecundity. The Egyptians saw in the sycamore fig concentrations of the creative powers of primordial energy with which the Pharaoh was united...

This tree symbolizes the Egyptian goddess Hathor, called the Lady of the Sycamore; the Celestial Cow; the Lady of Life or even the Serpent Lady. To eat of the fruit of the sycamore fig amounted to ingesting the flesh and drinking the blood of the Goddess, that is to say, consuming her fruit.

A similar idea is found in the Kabbalistic doctrine in which it is said that the tree of life emanated from "the heavenly dew" which is the source of resurrection and regeneration.

The Latin traditions claim that the fig tree was considered impure and maleficent because its fruit, the fig, evoked a partially-open vulva (fica in Italian)!

One finds the fig tree as a symbol of the mother Goddess in numerous traditions, such as that of India. It is precisely under a sacred fig tree (ficus religiosa: bodhi/bo tree) that Buddha had the revelation of the true nature of earthly pain and the means of healing humanity from suffering.

The goddess-tree is also present in Italy; it is again she, in the form of a fig tree, who gathered at her feet Romulus and Remus (the future founders of Rome), before the Lupercal cave, and it is under her benevolent shadow that a she-wolf nursed the two babies and saved them from certain death.

The symbolism of this story is eye-popping: the latin term Luma (she-wolf) also means prostitute. In antiquity, the priestesses were assimilated to prostitutes as they transmitted the sacred energy and the royalty of the mother Goddess to future kings and princes. The she-wolf is in fact a prostitute, more precisely a human priestess who sustains the cult of the mother Goddess symbolized by the fig tree. Romulus and Remus had not been nursed by a she-wolf, but rather by a woman at the service of the religion of the Great Goddess!

In Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 7, when Adam and Eve ate the fruits of the tree of knowledge, they felt compelled to hide themselves behind leaves of the tree of the garden which was none other than the symbolic representation of the fig: "As their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked, they sewed fig leaves and made loincloths of them."

The Genesis Rabba, in Chapter 15 Part 7, brings some precision to the identity of the fig tree: "From what species of fig is it? The species 'Daughter of Seven,' said Rabbi Avin, "named thus because it had brought to the world the seven days of mourning."

The number 7 possesses a sacred connotation around the world and particularly in Mesopotamia. It is not unrelated to the Pleiades that the Hopi Indians of Arizona call "The Seven Sisters," the constellation that they honor as being the place where the creative divinities reside.

The sycamore represents the cup of anointing oil in the religious offices of the ceremony of the Mahâvrata [great ascetic vows]. But the interesting thing, it serves equally to fabricate the throne on which the Vrâtya will sit during the ceremony. The Goddess has precisely the principle function to create the king and place him on a throne, because she carries the royalty of Heaven on the Earth. (Note, the Gina'abul-Sumerian language is multi-functional thanks to its numerous plays of words and homophones.)

As to the role of the female sovereign to whom belongs the royal authority that she distributes as she wishes, compare the Sumerian translation of Udumbara and the Irish tales where the young woman incarnating sovereignty offers the cup of immortality to her heroes.

The Egyptian goddess Hathor, a perfect model of the feminine principle, incarnates the radiant energy of perpetually renewable life. Numerous frescoes, like that of the tomb of Sennedjem, represent the goddess of the sycamore in the tree of life. She pours a vessel of water of life and presents her sacred fruits to the deceased, that they may nourish themselves and thus receive the benefit of eternal life.

The goddess Hathor represents the Mother, the universal matrix. She is the mother of gods and the wet-nurse of humanity. She is the central pillar, the tree of life, the holder of the functionality of Kundalini (the "ladder" that traverses the seven principal chakras through which one obtains illumination). She is thus the cosmic tree that connects Heaven and Earth, the link between the Source and humanity.

In China, the cosmic tree is called Kien-Mou, litt. "raised wood," and this decomposes to "the place where the lords dwell." As you can see, it all fits!


The Greek sukomoros decodes by means of its Sumerian phonetic equivalent SUKU5MÚR-ÚŠ to the meaning haunches that distribute the blood.

The particle MÚR confounds with Sumerian MURUB4; the two share the same classical Sumerian Cuneiform sign and sense: "haunches, center, middle."

MURUB4 has a homophone MURUB which means "vulva, woman, or sexual attraction."

In playing with this word game of which the Gina'abul and Sumerians were very fond, the hidden sense of the Greek sukomoros would give equally "the woman (or the vulva) who distributes the blood."

An extraordinary number of figurines representing the Mother-Goddess are regularly disinterred at sites around the world. They are generally in a squatting posture which, according to the official thesis, suggests childbirth, in keeping with the role of the Mother-Goddess who aids fertility and maternity. Now that you know the true hidden power of the Goddess, can you really believe that these statues all represent women ready to give birth?

One finds the same evocation in the Codex Borgia from the ancient Indians of Mexico. At the top of Plate 74 [not shown] is found a goddess, in full frontal view, squatting on an altar with a receptacle between her legs. Specialists see in her the representation of Tlazoltéotl, the goddess of the Earth and the moon, also named "Mother of all the Gods." The moon affects the periodic flow of women's blood and clearly symbolizes their menstrual cycle and the hidden knowledge of the Dark Stars.

In Greece, the Goddess Artemis, who is regularly represented in a tree, symbolizes as though by chance the moon! The sacred drink of the Aryan gods of India is called Soma, justifiably calling to mind the mythical plant from which is taken the nectar of immortality... and the moon.

Absolutely all the traditions of the world say the same thing. We add that on Plate 66 of the Codex Borgia [shown above] there is a tree possessing an opening that is easily identified with a vagina. From this opening comes a flow of blood. The roots of this tree have the form of a serpent's head.

German and Scandinavian mythology use the same symbolism in the sacred Yggdrasil, the tree of the world, the cosmic tree.

Three ancient goddesses named Norne -- of which the triple temporal appearance (past, present, future) rules the course of ages and the destiny of Man -- live at the foot of Yggrasil. The three Nornes also symbolize the three phases of the moon: crescent, full, and waning. The three Nornes water the sacred tree from a fountain of youth named Source of the Earth, of which they are the guardians. Once again, full symbolism!

As with the Codex Borgia, the Scandinavian legend adds that at the foot of the tree are found serpents who gnaw the roots. One finds this same ideology in Iran, in the Hoama, tree of the world, itself gnawed by a lizard-serpent and placed on Mount Araiti. [As shown in the Decoder, Hoama decomposes to] "the mother-bird," supreme symbol of the Mother-Goddess and of the Holy Spirit!

As to the mountain Araiti, it decomposes to ARA4-ITI, meaning "marked or illumined by the moon."

We bathe "for the nth time" in full symbolism. The fact of finding serpents sucking the roots of the Aztec sacred tree, of the Scandinavian Yggrasil, and again of the Avestic Hoama demonstrates for us beyond the shadow of a doubt that priestesses symbolizing the Mother-Goddess, totally subject to the lunar cycles, were ruled by a caste of serpents on the Earth.

This conforms exactly with the Gnostic ideology which makes Sophia the slave of angels called archons. Numerous traditions have in common the fact that the serpent is held responsible for the menstrual cycle of females. We will go into the details of the serpent and the menstrual cycle in the second book, but it is quite evident that it relates to Judeo-Christian thinking which makes of the serpent the one who pushed Eve to reveal the secret of the celestial divinities to humanity...

From [K2]:

Karma One: The two first volumes of The Chronicles of the Gírkù make frequent reference to the menstrual cycle, to its importance, and to its power of healing and understanding, as the menses of the Amašutum and other feminine entities in the narrative are employed in sacred rituals. Strangely, one finds this custom in the ancient gnostic rituals that dedicated a certain cult to the eternal feminine.

On the other hand, in certain other ritual traditions or religions, particularly in "the religions of the Book"..., the woman is considered as impure during this period.... Why is there this taboo on females to the point of comparing them to sorceresses?


Parks: The female has been at the heart of a universal intrigue since the night of time. Her power has alarmed the "gods" of the different mythologies and has frightened the Church, because it is capable of liberating the human, who would no longer have need of the clergy for reassurance and the sense of being assisted. The menses of human females have also been made the object of sacred and Hermetic rituals for reasons that one can well imagine.

Since we are among the great truths, let us examine the exact sense of the word "sorceress" in the language of the "gods". We will find there, as by enchantment, a fundamental theme that the Judeo-Christian religion has attempted to mask from the people. The Sumerian term for sorceress is Míuš'zu. Its true translation, and the diverse interpretations that one could draw by virtue of the homophones of which the Sumerians were so fond will put us on the trail of a carefully hidden meaning. The simple decomposition of MÍ-UŠ12-ZU gives "the woman of the wisdom-secretion" or "the woman of the knowledge-venom".

For 130 years Adam remained separated from his wife [...] because of the venom that he had just absorbed. When the venom had been depleted, he returned [to Eve].

The Zohar, Berechit 3, 55a

The Sumerian homophony game brings us yet more clarification without altering the original sense of the term. If we replace the UŠ12 with ÚŠ, we obtain MÍ-ÚŠ-ZU, "the woman of the wisdom blood", and with UŠ, MÍ-UŠ-ZU, "the woman who elevates the knowledge (or the wisdom)"

Before Christianity intervened, sorceresses were considered to be persons possessing the energy of the Goddess. The diverse possibilities of translation playing on the homophony of the language of the "gods" assures us that we are in the presence of a particular substance of which the females are the only ones to possess the secret.

Another element must be brought in to accomplish the sacred act, and this is very close to the alchemical tradition. If you have an absolute confidence in your partner and you love him or her infinitely, so that you share in all things with this person, then know that all is possible, including the sharing of menses and sperm:


The tree of knowledge of good and evil: why is it so designated? [...] It is because this tree takes its nourishment from two opposing sides and it recognizes them as when one eats the sweet and the bitter at the same time. As the substance is taken from two opposite directions, it is called "good and evil".

The Zohar, Berechit, 35a and 35b

The rabbis who compiled the texts of the Zohar knew very well of what they spoke. They understood that the allusion relates to sperm and menses, sperm representing "the good", and menses "the evil"!

Yahvé's taboo against the mixing of these "impure flows" is detailed in the Bible...

[See Leviticus, "Sexual Impurities", 15.]


...If these revelations seem strange, do not forget that our society is totally disconnected from the sacred and certain realities. Sex has been banalized and is sold today on street corners as vulgar merchandise for quick consummation. The "genius" of man has never ceased to quest for more refined and perverse means of exploiting women for his immediate pleasure and the money that he can gain from them.

He even possesses the capacity to enjoy the suffering of his feminine double. He is without doubt the only animal (Á-DAM in Sumerian) capable of torturing and killing his neighbor for his own pleasure.

In distorting certain realities, the human being has been able to confine himself in a formatted world, totally the image of the perverse universe of the "evil archons" (reptilians) who are described in the gnostic texts and who have been able to pass for the true divinities of our universe. An existential shame accompanies the sense of the sacred, because sex is the center of the guilt inflicted by the bad "gods".

If the Sumerian "gods", transformed into a unique and universal God in a great majority of religions, had banned the sacred to the point where today this sacred has become a veritable marketplace, it is precisely in order to turn humanity away from the true reality which would permit him to raise himself. Most of you have no idea of the marvels that surround you. You, who read these lines, if you have the joy of sharing your life with a person whom you love profoundly, you must understand that sex has nothing to do with a performance such as is presented to you by the media. Sex is a connection of the heart, a fusion in true love...

Karma One: According to the Bible and the rabbinical writings, it is Samaël, "the fallen angel" [also see Wikipedia], known as the "serpent", who initiated humanity to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

You endorse this doctrine, clarifying that it is Sa'am, alias Enki, the chief Gina'abul geneticist who cloned the sexual human workers and who instructed this new humanity in sexuality. He seem equally responsible for the sexual practice that leads to the raising of consciousness.

Can you add anything to this, and explain how it works?

Anton Parks: It is a vast subject that I touch on in my first book The Secret of the Dark Stars and that I clarify in Ádam Genisiš. The practice that permits spiritual elevation is called Tantrism in India. This action, combined with the practice of the mixing of fluids, brings an important transformation to the individual. The only requirement is to conduct this action with respect and uniquely with the person whom one loves profoundly.

I must point out that this is a "magical" proceeding, one that can be diverted if not realized in Unconditional Love!

I will detail here the subjects that I expose in my books and indicate the steps to follow.

Tantrism is a religious dialog between the man and the woman with the aim of realizing unity. In Tantrism, each female is a priestess in which is incarated the Goddess-Mother; a veritable avenue of access to the absolute.

The longer is the act, the more the sexuality is integrated into a spiritual framework, similar to the way of relaxation and yoga.

Tantric yoga assimilates, as an internal alchemy, the masculine and feminine principles of the human body.

The tantric sexual relation is the opposite of the "usual" sexual act in which the man seeks to attain his personal pleasure and his egoistic orgasm, imposing a relation often expeditious and uncaring for the woman who we know is multi-orgasmic.

Thanks to the practice of Tantrism, it is for the man to put himself at the vibratory level of the woman and to be able to make her vibrate in operating the seven principal chakras, and thus create an impulse that her partner can return to her.

The woman holds the divine rhythm, that of her wisdom; it is incumbent upon the man to be able to sit back on her in order to "sacrifice his primary impulses" in order to synchronize himself with the "Goddess".

Tantrism permits escaping the human condition and evading the bestiality that animates us, simply through a prolonged sexual orgasm, if possible, without seminal emission.

This sacred act has for its sole aim to bring us toward the divine, lauded by the gnostics as an inner knowledge, independent of all religious dogma, as they knew well:


"If you wish to discern the reality of this mystery, then you must perceive the marvelous levels of rapport which have taken place between male and female. [...] the mystery of the relations is executed in the greatest secret, so that the two sexes cannot be dishonored before those who do not approve of this reality. For them, the sexes are only for procreation. If the act is produced in the presence of those who do not comprehend this reality, it would appear totally laughable and unbelievable...".
Nag-Hammadi Manuscript Codex Asclepius (21-29), 6,8

This millennial practice corresponds to the sacred sexuality exercised in ancient times by the "Dark Stars" priestesses, and their followers in the sacred temples where the human priestesses of antiquity gave themselves to the sexual ritual of the Goddess-Mother. That this practice had been accomplished in the sanctuaries and that the priestesses coupled with unknowns matters little here. It was in other times and morals were not the same as today; we should carry no judgment on that. There were equally spillovers such as orgies or other wayside practices; studies of those, and of contacts with the supernatural thanks to the ecstasies provoked and reinforced by black magic, adds nothing to our knowledge. As I have indicated, it is an act that can become dangerous if it is executed in a spirit of suggestion and dishonesty. One should know today, it is the true Tantrism, exercised by two in True Love, with the person whom one loves infinitely, that carries no risk; it procures, on the contrary, an infinity of things...

We add that it is also a way to recreate the lost unity, the androgyny that is rebuilt in each of us once the incarnation is achieved. It is why most of us search for our double, a sort of sister-soul, to consciously or unconsciously accomplish the ecstatic act and return in a way to "our home"...

The transformations are equally capable of clearing important blocks in the most frigid persons.

It is not for me to enumerate the benefit of these millennial acts that the ancients knew perfectly and which were ultimately reserved for rare individuals. The experience is for each of us proper to ourselves.

The tantric texts of India are not the only ones to express the need of the woman and man to reunite, to recreate the divine androgyne couple who can reproduce the unity and create a spiritual overture; a couple which, according to the tantric doctrine, can undertake at the sacral union to interchange the roles, the woman becoming the man and inversely:


"When Eve was in Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death survived. If she returns into him and he takes her into himself, death will again not exist".
Nag-Hammadi Manuscript Gospel According to Saint Philippe NH2, 3 68

In Sumerian the term Gìš-dù means "to have sexual rapport" and its homophone Giš-dù is translated as "to offer a sacrifice". The analogy is remarkable, because in India the tantric initiatic texts often compare the sexual union to a sacrifice where, as I have evoked, the man must "sacrifice his impulses to make the Goddess vibrate"...



Initiations (2)

Another in the sequence of initiations described in Le Secret is the sacred marriage that takes place between Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu after Sa'am has been made fully male through surgical intervention by Mamitu.

As an introduction to this topic, here is Parks' Note 70, providing some background:

The Egyptian papyri and Mesopotamian tablets attest that the different goddesses of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia -- identified with the Celestial Cows -- transmitted their divinity and divine powers to kings through having sexual rapports with them. The king was invited to partake of the vital energy of the goddess in the sacred nuptial bed where he obtained immortality and became thus "the Bull of Heaven". Likewise, the grand priestesses of antiquity, veritable incarnations of the Mother-Goddess on Earth, practiced the Hieros Gamos (sacred marriage). They chose a lover, considered as the son of the Mother-Goddess, and practiced with him "a sacred sexual union". Through this ritual, the man was at once metamorphosed into the spouse of the goddess and invested with the royal function. These rites were practiced as much in Sumer and Egypt as in classical Greece.

In the second Karmapolis interview [K2], Parks further describes this practice among the Mesopotamian cultures:


The Akkadian term Qadištu denotes "priestess of high rank," of which the Sumerian equivalent is NU-GIG, "the non-diseased" -- a title attributed to the goddess Isis...

One should know that in antiquity, the priestesses of high rank practiced sacred sexuality, which served to raise the frequency of the males by releasing the coiled serpent, the Kundalini.

The males of that epoch, in certain cultures such as the Mesopotamian, were able to honor or sanctify the Mother-Goddess and couple with her in the temples through the intermediary of the priestesses who represented her.

This act and the original term Kadištu or Qadištu are undoubtedly the source of the Hebrew Qodesch (to sanctify).

One well understands that Yahvé, the unique and jealous god, would not hear of this. This is why we find in the Bible all those heavy passages in which Yahvé imposes taboos against the "false gods," the cult of goddesses such as Ashérah. As we saw in Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres, the Kadištu (Elohim) are in conflict with the Ušumgal-Anunna authority that incarnates the patriarchal and authoritarian "god" found in the Bible under the appellation Yahvé.

Returning to the sacred marriage of Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu, it's interesting that in the period leading up to this union, Sa'am is not impressed with the sanctification of his person that is supposed to result from it. For that matter, without having a male nature prior to his surgery, he has difficulty in appreciating the attraction of any kind of sexual activity. But Sa'am has his own agenda: to transmit the powers of the Ušumgal to Mamitu, which he knows will be essential to her security in the coming time of conflict.

For her part, Mamitu is offended by the prospect, which suggests she is not already adequate to any situation, and which furthermore seems to threaten a change in the nature of her being.

At any rate, the sacred marriage and the sacred union of Sa'am and Mamitu proceed. These acts are fully and lovingly described by Parks in Le Secret. To attempt to summarize them on this page would be a travesty. The passages have to be read in the original, or in any other language of translation when these become available. From them, and from Sa'am's reported impressions, we can gain some appreciation of what it was like to experience what for us today is a rather abstract idea that comes out of ancient lore.

A couple of notable events occur during these ceremonies. Sa'am experiences his first Gibil'lásu (shedding and renewal of the skin). Mamitu undergoes the process simultaneously as well. This was probably induced by a beverage that they drank, although they were apparently at the verge anyway.

We read about the "shining countenance" of these gods or reptilians. According to Parks, their new skin did glisten once they had dropped their old scales. Perhaps indeed this is the "shining."

And apparently Mamitu does receive the telepathic powers of Niama, as immediately after, she is able to communicate with Tiamata using the Gírkù that she is about to give to Sa'am. Recall that Sa'am and Mamitu had traveled from Nalulkára via the timeless pathways to Ubšu'ukkinna to deliver the Didabbasar (set of laws) and to oversee the plantations there, only to find themselves trapped as pawns in An's war development program. With the aid of the Gírkù, Mamitu is able to apprise Tiamata of the full situation.


Tiamata makes an instantaneous decision to strike with a massive force to "suppress" Sa'am's Kuku (ancestors), and all of An's forces, including the newly-cloned Anunna and the accursed Mušgir. She informs Mamitu that they will arrive within hours; that there will be no protection for Sa'am and Mamitu; and that the Kadištu have been plunged into crisis over this; they will not intervene and specifically will not offer any support to the Amašutum.

And thus the war that went on to overturn everything on the Earth, and whose results we live with to this very day, is about to begin.

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