War (1)
Karma One: In Volume One as well as Volume Two, you describe a conflict of [galactic] proportions between several extraterrestrial races, in reality two major dispositions, one of masculine polarity and the other feminine: the Ušumgal of royal descent, in fact, who believe themselves to be the high reptilian hierarchy, composed of seven rulers (Anšar, An, Lahmu etc...) and their princely and warrior caste the Anunna, pursue with an implacable hatred the other reptilian lines who come from another constellation: the Kingú-Babbar, originally from Draco, and the queen Tiamata who was however, Ušumgal.
The Ušumgal aristocracy comes from the constellation of Lyra and governs the Gina'abul reptilians established in Ursa Major.
Why such hatred and conflict? What are the consequences of this antediluvian conflict in our lives today?
Anton Parks: It is always the same story: that of sectarianism, religious fanaticism, and racism. These behaviors and doctrines are not proper only to the Earth; they are found elsewhere and even among the most evolved peoples of our universe.
The war to which you refer doubtlessly continues. The conflict between the Ušumgal and Kingú royals has endured for millennia. It goes all the way back to the very origin of the Ušumgal. This race seems to have been cloned in very distant times by the Kingú-Babbar (the royal albinos), but the Ušumgal cannot grasp this for reasons that are too remote in time and which are not even part of the space-time that relates to the episodes that I have received.
The Ušumgal are pretentious and very arrogant; this is without doubt related to their great size that surpasses that of the other breeds making up the Gina'abul family.
The female Gina'abul find themselves in the middle of these quarrels and it has fallen to them at times, as Kadištu (Designers of Life), to repair the wreckage caused by each of the two parties.
The conflicts that directly comprise the part of the story that occupies us relate to the creation of the Anunna and the plot revolving around that. Queen Tiamata rebelled when she learned of this conspiracy and she went to war against her Ušumgal children with the aid of the Kingú…
This section could have been titled "History." That is because most of the Gina'abul history covered in Parks' work is the history of their war. Or it could have been titled "Gender," because the war was truly a "battle of the sexes."
This may sound odd. War on Earth has been about geopolitics, or it may have seemed to be about religion and ideologies, but this may be because geopolitical groups were divided on religious or ideological lines.
Among the Gina'abul, some subraces are of single gender; hence race wars are also often gender wars.
Ultimately war is always about power, and in the Gina'abul, the genders have their unique powers. Or one could say that gender is a unique source of special powers, and these powers are jealously guarded (by the females) or sought after (by the males).
Why are these powers in the sexes not so obvious on Earth? It would appear that we were not bred to have them. But even here there is the same line of differentiation: cold, power-hungry men, oriented to technology, vs. women who are generally more measured or balanced.
As mentioned earlier, the female Gina'abul (Amašutum) protect themselves from the males by separating themselves from them. That created the tensions that led to bloody conflicts.
Here, loosely extracted and translated from Parks' first book (p. 200 in the 2nd Edition), and slightly clarified via private communication from Anton Parks, is Mamitu-Nammu describing these events to Sa'am:
"You must know that your Kuku [ancestors] are always seen as the first-born among the Gina'abul because they are larger than the Kingú. It is an ancient and futile quarrel between your Kuku and the Kingú, because we all know that the original birthplace of our race is Ušu and that the Ušumgal were created by the great Kingú, the Kingú-Babbar (albino Kingú), in times so distant that they are lost in the egocentric memory of your Kuku.
"Thousands of years ago, we (the female Gina'abul, Amašutum) lived in Urbar'ra (Lyra) with the Sukkal, the Mušgir, the Ušumgal, and some Kingú [see Races] -- the latter forming the royal race of Ušu (Draco), which is the Gina'abul's place of origin. The Ušumgal and the Kingú ruled in these places but were not in the majority. The Mušgir were far more numerous and constituted an ambitious race who wished to make the females sexual objects at their convenience. These reprehensible beings were envious of our physical immortality and the divine force that we possess, so they got it into their heads to dominate us.
"A split occurred over this. The Kingú traitorously abandoned us and returned to the Gina'abul colonies of Ušu (Draco). [This was not completely true. A minority of them went to Te (Aquila), and Mamitu-Nammu was concealing this fact. Her reason is explained in Adam Genisis.]
"The Ušumgal have a horror of the Kingú, their creators, because of this abandonment.
"Once the Kingú left, the Ušumgal joined with the Mušgir, in opposition to us (Amašutum), in a conflict whose "stake" was the domination of males over females and the possession of our feminine power. This war resulted in our being imprisoned by the Mušgir, who forced us to create for them a more docile and submissive female race in order to steal our powers.
As to the Sukkal, they came to the aid of the Amašutum at first, but withdrew when the Amašutum began to employ violent means to protect themselves. Being Kadištu, the Sukkal are unable to partipate in conflicts....
But we have gone too far with this violence and numerous among us bitterly regret it. We have responded to repression with repression.... Battling against males, we have not had the hindsight to perceive that we have transformed ourselves into the image of that against which we fought, and of which we had horror. This is doubtless one of the reasons for which your creator (An) has hardly any liking for us."
That remark was key in this story, and also in our human history, because An was creating the race of Anunna and a new race of Mušgir, both of whom later came to our solar system and defeated the Amašutum who had a colony here. That in turn led to our ages-long struggle between patriarchy and remnants of the ancient Goddess religions.
There follows a description of the horrors that were perpetrated on the females in detention centers that were set up by the males. Of particular significance, in view of certain dark practices that persist even in our modern day, of how the males took nourishment from the emotions of the terrified females. Through these means the males attempted to gain immortality and the females' entire body of knowledge.
This and the remainder of Mamitu-Nammu's discussion with Sa'am can be found in Book 1, Le Secret.
The "Great War" to which these events led, which had as its "stake" the domination of males over females and the possession of the feminine power, and which opposed the Ušumgal and the Mušgir against the ancient Amašutum race, had its culmination in the Ubšu'ukkinna (Maia) star system of Mulmul (the Pleiades). This senseless war had no victor. Practically all the Amašutum were annihilated, and virtually all the Ušumgal.
Some Mìmínu and Mušgir survived.
The Kadištu had isolated themselves from the conflict, but at the end of hostilities with the assistance of the Sukkal (see Races), they drove out of Mulmul the last Mušgir recalcitrants. Only the Mìmínu were allowed to remain in Mulmul, under the condition that they respect new decrees. While hardly benevolent, the Mìmínu have always been on the side of the dominant authority. Numerous of them found refuge there in Mulmul
The only Ušumgal survivors of this conflict were Abzu-Abba and his offspring Lahmu and Lahamu (plus Tiamata, considered as an Ušumgal by her liaison with Abzu-Abba). They had been protected and removed from the conflicts, to the system Ubšu'ukkinna in Mulmul, by the Mìmínu because they were great cloners, at least the best among the Ušumgal race. They were the last survivors of the royal race of Urbar'ra (Lyra).
Abzu-Abba had cloned Lahmu and Lahamu on the planet Dukù (in Ubšu'ukkinna) with genetic material from the then future queen Tiamata with whom he had illicit relations; that is to say not in conformity with the recent laws of Urbar'ra (Lyra), voted just before the "Great War", that forbade all closeness between the two sexes. Lahmu and Lahamu were considered to have been cloned illegally.
Anshar and Kishar were created subsequently on Dukù. They appropriated for themselves this location/region/venue that belonged to the Amašutum. Subsequently, the Ubšu'ukkinna system and the Duku were assigned to Anshar according to the laws of patriarchy in force among the Gina'abul. Parks thinks that An was then created in Anduruna, where the Ushumgal had just established themselves in Margid'da. An also possessed rights in Ubšu'ukkinna; it is the reason the Anunna were created there. Of course the war between the male and female branches of the Gina'abul had not ended. The genealogy chart will help you to understand the lines of descent leading to the personages responsible for its next outbreak.
Continue in the chart for the genealogy of An and Ninmah, creators of the Anunna, and Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu, creators of the Nungal.
War (2)
The information in the previous section helps to establish the nature and qualities of the Amašutum that were at the center of the Great War whose aftermath became the subject of Parks' narrative and ultimately led to our modern world situation.
The Great War had a biological basis, as mentioned earlier, and in this section we explore that aspect further.
Sa'am's initiation described above was called "Fire of Aš," Aš being an Emešà word for "spider." The Decoder indicates several associations between "spider" and the Mother-Goddess among the Gina'abul and also the Hopi. The connection is explained to Sa'am by Mamitu:
"The Mušgir took from us our dignity but also our crops, because before becoming our enemies, they enjoyed a part of our harvest that we also shared with the Sukkal; we have always been major agriculturists. When we threw ourselves into war against them, the Mušgir, left to themselves and totally taken by surprise, found no other solution than to appropriate our plantations.
"Like us, the spider is a formidable warrior. If you place her in the field, she will relentlessly attack the ravaging parasites. The spider also undergoes periodic Gibil'lásu (renewal of the skin) and withdraws in the same manner that we do when we shed our skin. The spider is independent and can go for weeks without food or nourishment, just like the Amašutum.
"We have another point in common with the spider: venom. For a long time, before the Musgir, the original Amašutum prototype secreted a substance [the poison used in Sa'am's initiation] that numbs the senses and sickens.... We have determined the precise makeup of this material and can recreate it without difficulty.
"This fluid was produced and stored in a bulge hidden in the uterus of our illustrious ancestors. At that time, the Amašutum didn't deliver their young in the way that we are able to do it at times. If they wished to mother naturally, they produced an intermediate temporary matrix [an egg!] from which emerged an offspring. This famous fluid gave the possibility to the female to destroy at any moment her egg, as it was suitable or not to pursue the process of developing the embryo.
"We, the females, have always been immunized against this venom, but for you the males, this fluid degrades the chemical elements that establish the link-ups between the nerve endings and the muscles. Unhappily, at the epoch of the Mušgir, the majority of us did not secrete this fluid any more. If that had been the case, we would not have had to combat the Mušgir because the males never were able to distinguish between our Rasa [Decoder] and our poison.
"Why do we not secrete the poison now? Because a little before the creation of the Mušgir, we entered the confederation of the Kadištu thanks to our Sukkal allies. As divine Kadištu, we were no longer able to possess the poison. This weapon represented a danger to others and was totally incompatible with the function of a Designer of Life. From that time on, all Amašutum were deprived of this fluid at the time of clonage. Any who possessed the fluid cohabited with their new sisters, but could not be counted as Kadištu. Some of them succeeded in abusing the Mušgir and had eliminated some of them. Then these were counted as Amaš (savages)."
With lowered eyes and seeming embarrassment, Mamitu reports that all but a handful of these were massacred in the Great War.
"Among us, Tiamata is the sole survivor. After the war, the few survivors of the ancient race were specially integrated into the Kadištu."
Readers may need to review the sections War(1) and War(2) for a refresh on the background of the Great War that led to all the events of our history here in the Ti-ama-te solar system.As of some twenty or thirty years after the founding of the Kharsag colony, the war continues.
Units of soldiers, battered from combat, frequently burst in upon the colony for a bit of rest and restoration. This always sows discord and forms the central subject of the assemblies. Enlil never lets them stay for longer than an Ud (day) before sending them back to the front.Where Enlil had been earlier complaining of headaches, he and the other males less frequently do so now. Enki wonders if this indicates that the KI is becoming more compatible or if it is a sign of the imminent victory of their side in the war.
The feline Life Designers known as Urmah deploy a major military position in the east (west) of the vast Edin (plain) toward Kankala (Africa). The Kuku (ancestors) have never detected their base. Enki has learned from Nammu's archives, recorded in Ugur, that the bases are subterranean, and bear the name Gigal [GI7-GAL: great and noble; GI6-GAL: great and dark, in Sumerian]. Enki will not speak of this place to his Kuku, to Ninmah, and least of all to Enlil, the Great Šàtam.Enki intends to go there as soon as possible.
The Kingú have been to Šàlim to sign an accord, giving them official permission to establish themselves in the grottoes and tunnels of Uraš (the Earth).
The royals have been rendered unstable by war and the domination of the Anunna. Those who have always occupied Uraš become progressively vulgar fugitives. But the hard-core ruling group remains completely elusive. Dìm'mege has in compensation concluded a truce between the Kingú and the Amašutum of the Abzu. Having had a history scattered with discord between themselves and the royals, this accord seems beneficial to the people of the Abzu.The treaty was signed without Enki's consent or even his presence.
His mother signed in his place.Enki guards this information secret. It gives no regard to any governing authority of Kharsag.Thus the Kingú remain allies of the Amašutum and to Enki just as they were to the cause of the ancient queen. For the Kingú, Nammu is taken as Tiamata's legitimate descendant, while they do not recognize her as having any authority over themselves.